The Outback Fiberglass Pool Model

The Outback fiberglass pool is one of our most popular models. Many people have chosen the Outback because of its rectangular design and versatile features. We have three models available in the Outback line and like all Barrier Reef pools the Outback comes in one of seven different color options.

The newest addition to the Outback line-up is the Outback Lounger. The traditional Outback model line includes the 30 and 23 foot versions. The Outback Lounger, which features a lounging ledge comes in one size, at 30′.

Outback Fiberglass Pool Installation

Escape Your Everyday in the Outback.

The Australian outback is a place where plains drift into the sunset and the evening stars show a spectacular view of the Universe. As part of the Australian interior, the openness you can experience here provides a sense of freedom you never thought possible. Escape your everyday in the Outback.


  • Wide swim lane.
  • Safety ledge around the perimeter of the pool.
  • Deep end seat and swim outs.
  • Lounger models available.


Outback Dimensions:

Outback Fiberglass Pool Dimensions

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